Birth Tote Bag
Judy Chicago collaborated with more than 150 needleworkers during the Birth Project to create dozens of images combining painting and needlework that celebrate various aspects of the birth process; from the painful to the mythical. Sometimes witty and always original, this series celebrates the birth-giving capacity of women along with their creative spirit.
Canvas bag, 19" x 3.5" x 16.5" (L x W x H); vegan leather strap, 26.5"; made in China by Third Drawer Down.
Artwork represented: Judy Chicago, Birth, 1984, filet crochet, 94" x 225", needlework by Dolly Kaminski. Courtesy Through the Fower, Belen, NM, and Jessica Silverman. © Judy Chicago/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York. Photo: Donald Woodman/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.